Husqvarna Nashville

Build To Suit

Husqvarna Nashville

  • Nashville, AR
  • Industrial
  • Sq Ft: 350,000

Project Overview

Beacon partnered with Husqvarna to evaluate the feasibility of a new 350,000 SF distribution facility on a land owned by Husqvarna to allow for the elimination of several warehouses currently leased for raw materials and finished goods. In addition to the distribution facility, the overall development plan included the creation of a new parking lot with foreign trade zone designation to replace the removal of the current trailer parking lot. The cross-dock facility is connected via a fork-truck-accessible connector to Husqvarna’s 500,000 SF Consumer Outdoor Products manufacturing facility. The facility serves as a distribution hub for Husqvarna’s hand-held, finished-good products as well as storage for raw material used in the manufacturing process.